Brave Face

Unpack your brave face
From where it’s stashed away
And wear it.
Everybody has one
Hidden for a rainy day.

When the time comes
(And it surely will)
You’ll be glad, you have
The facade to show the world.

Otherwise, you just might
Have to shade your eyes,
And hide the tears
That want to escape.

So unpack that box
Wherein rests your brave face;
Get out there
And take it on the chin.

Kat Mortensen © 2019

Found poetry (scribbled notes, stuck in the back of a drawer).


Photo by William Davison circa 1964


You were ever the elusive one;

I was effusive enough for all.

Our downfall was that we

Would never be conducive to love.

I fashioned dreams, knowing

All along that they were wrong.

You wrung, tears and blood

From my body and soul.

You got what you came for;

I lost what I had—

That little girl, eluding me,

When you took off.

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