Reflections on a gloomy day.


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November embers—

ashes from my father’s grave.

No. Wait!

He was buried.

It’s merely dust,

fusting up my head.

Clouds (or were they


of earth

chucked in

behind him,

but we weren’t there

for that

(neither was he

if you believe

in All Souls).

November first—

I thirst for life,

yet fear the worst.

My own gets closer

to its end

with every leaf

that drops

and every

feather on the ground


November exposes

last summer’s roses—

strips them and they’re

g o n e.

I saw a robin


It gave me hope

for Spring.


Kat Mortensen©2009 
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30 thoughts on “Reflections on a gloomy day.

  1. Oh, Kat! I love this. I love the thinking and rethinking, the uncertainty and the certainties it contains. What a fitting counterpoint to my latest posting. This is wonderful.


  2. Kat, I loved this poem. It seems that the older I get the more I appreciate the days – gloomy or sunny. The more I appreciate many things I never paid much attention to before. And I think that I will always hope for Spring. Thanks for a lovely poem.


  3. Lady in Red!I always like the way you blend sadness and humour so seamlessly – the No. Wait! section is brilliant, and I like the intimacy of the latter stages of the poem. Good one.


  4. Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune–without the words, And never stops at all. . .There's always that robin. A lovely tribute.


  5. Loved the poem. Hate to rub it in but, here in upper northern California we are unseasonably warm. In the 80s the last two weeks. The poor plants are so confused. The Morning Glories and Hibiscus are blooming like crazy. I know a hard frost is just around the corner and new life will just be shut down for a while.


  6. You have definitely captured the essence of a gloomy day Kat. I'm so glad you have this cheery red to counter the effect. And I am loving the thought of arobin right now!


  7. Lovely ,Sad , funny,portentous, hopeful the whole schemozzle.And I love the Robin at the end.I often see boirds as signs , usually of hope or luck.A heron flying overhead has always cheered me, often in the most incongruos of ocations like on busy motorways where you wouldn't expct to see one.For the week that is in it, I will light a little candle for your Da and you.


  8. There is that feeling with November of the cycle of life. The ground is wet and cold with a faint whiff of decay and spring seems so distant. Well captured Kat. And to top it all, I have a cold! Jeanne xPS I do like your new red background.


  9. Sorry your day was gloomy. I never see winter as dark or deadly. It's cool and refreshing and excuse to snuggle down deep with a doona and a good DVD. Funny . . I'm sort of dreading the onslaught of summer. I don't really care for the heat.


  10. Hello, Kat,I've popped in after seeing your comments on other blogs I follow, like Karen's, for example. Your poem is very good. It's a perfect counterpoint to my poem November Roses posted on Nov. 3. Please come check it out if you have time. I'm in central Calif and it's Indian summer here. I think I'll follow you. Cheers, Chris Alba


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