
In open field, the poppies tall,

Wake from sleep so deep, to fly;

Their paper petals, flushed, enthrall,

Flat out, they flout their blooms, unshy.

The winds will blow, red men will fall,

Blood-tears shed—- bled into sky;

Tossed to heaven, once-silenced spirits all,

With no word ever heard, they cry.

Kat Mortensen©2010

The Stars on the Other Side of the World

There is a sky
so far from here
where stars like sequins
light up the night and glow—
spangled, blinking
above the seas
that flow.

I want to be there
to stand on a rocky
fearing not,
the abyss below.

Eyes up!
I want to feel
the emerald grass that
lies beneath my feet— and know
the shamrocks
will prevent me
from demise
and Sirius will
guide me
as I go.

Kat Mortensen©2010