~ Not what we give, but what we share…

For the gift without the giver is bare. ~ James Russell Lowell

Photo by Avi Abrams on Flickr

Once again I am so fortunate as to be the recipient of some very generous awards. I therefore must share them with others whom I deem worthy of the same. I must confess to having mislaid one which I should have passed on a while back. It has been resting below on my blog, but I have yet to give it out. All will be rectified today.

For the “You are a great blog friend!” award, I sincerely thank my friend, Veronica at The D og House. Hers is a blog filled with compassion for man’s best friend, but it also reveals a love of the arts and a warmth towards all who visit. Take some time to hang out at “The Dog House”.

I wish to pass this award to the following wonderful blogs:

Andrea@Teach Me to Walk – a young woman whose dedication to her family is lovely to witness. She is a faith-filled mother who shares family moments, and her personal creative passions. Well worth your time.
Thanks, Andrea for being one of the few “sitsas” who stuck with me even after I abandoned them.

Neetzy@Negativespace – a brilliant artist, quirky person and reliably entertaining blog author. I discovered Neetzy through her sis at Random Thoughts and Acts of Stupidity (winner of my Blog of the Year award at my Blasts from the Past blog) and I’m so glad she’s become a regular here at Invisible Keepsakes. Wander over and say hi to Neetzy.

Winifred@World’s Greatest Procrastinator (well, I might have to argue that fact)
I love Winifred’s blog because it takes me somewhere I always long to return – England. Not only is her blog distinctly English, it is oftentimes hilarious – I don’t think she even knows how funny she is! You should definitely visit and see what she has to say.

One down…two to go. Bear with me.

For the Superior Scribbler Award, I’d like to thank my good friend, Michael at Smoke and Mirrors. M continually astonishes me with his articulate, thoughtful, perceptive poetry, but also with his occasional hilarious video clips, family stories and honest, heartfelt posts. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself, Michael!

The following are the recipients of the Superior Scribbler Award:

Peggy@Johnstone Journal – Peggy’s blog is a warm, expressive and well-written collection of reflections on life, literature and learning. I am at once challenged and blown away by her ability to illuminate others’ words as well as her own. Funny story- When I first came to Peggy’s blog, I saw the caption: ” My Last 4 Books” and I was immediately intimidated as I thought she had written and published 4 books of her own. Imagine my relief to find these were books she had read, not written! In any case, had she actually written 4 books, I’m sure she would still be the accessible, friendly, joyful person I have found her to be.
I invite you to visit her blog and discover this for yourselves.

Rachel@The Waxing Moon – I’ve already told Rachel how much I admire her, but now I want to share her with you. This woman who lives among the permafrost and muskoxen (I may be exaggerating, but it’s for effect) in the far reaches of Northern Canada, has the most delicate yet defining sense of poetry. I catch my breath most days when I read her words of loss, experience, the realities of nature, family, love, politics…you name it! She is an undiscovered nugget of gold in the rocky stream, just waiting to be sifted from the mire in the pan. Please! Do yourself a favour and explore The Waxing Moon.

Eleanor@Thatchwick Cottage – Eleanor’s blog is lovely to look at, exotic by virtue of her location and fascinating because of what she writes and the heart and soul she puts in to every post.
A picture of South Africa is lovingly painted with her faith-filled words and she is also a big movie-lover which just about automatically makes me like her! You will never be disappointed when you drop in on Eleanor along with her two dogs, Galahad and Tristram.

Here are the rules for the Scribbler’s Award:

Here are the rules for the winners:

  • Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
  • Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
  • Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
  • Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
  • Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

And finally, the Friends award. This was originally given to me so generously by Gramma Ann (she of the great blogs, Ann’s Quotes and Things as well as Ann’s Reading Corner–both entertaining, clever and witty). Also given to me just today by Rachel of The Waxing Moon, (she beat me to it, because I was about to give her the above award). What more can I say of her? Well, let me just say that I’m honoured she considers me a friend (in and out of the blog-world) and I hope we can nurture each other’s creativity for many years to come.

I am passing the Friends award to–gosh(!) there are so many of you, I’ll just have to list you all and say that each and every one of you makes my existence in this online community so rich and rewarding that some days I don’t even get my breakfast before I’m jumping on my computer to see what you’re all up to. Try as I might to stay away (with my sore shoulder, for example) I simply can’t! What’s worse, there are more of you out there I have yet to discover and I know I’ll be caught up in your writings just as much. I’ve met a few very recently that I have become quite absorbed in (John at Robert Frost’s Banjo springs to mind, as does Jeannelle at Midlife By Farmlight)

Okay, the old (and I do mean old) shoulder is starting to twinge, so I’ve got to make this quick. (It goes without saying that all of the above recipients are in the following category). There may be some additions if I recall some folks I’ve left out – it just means I couldn’t see you in my sidebar or dashboard at the time of posting and my memory is crap.

Friends I’ve met and Follow (you can find thier links in my sidebar or in my dashboard under “blogs I follow” and if you haven’t already, please consider following my blog (see the thumbnail photos and “Follow this blog” in my upper left sidebar) and then I can follow you back.

Willow @ Life at Willow Manor
Christine@Quiet Paths
Brenda@ Days of My Life
BK@Blicky Kitty
Michelle@ Browning’s Greenhouse
Ida@ Misty Afternoon
Amanda@One Happy Panda
Nick@Sometimes Saintly Nick
Michelle@These Are Words
Steviewren@A little birdie told me so
Elizabeth @ About New York
Cameron@Living in the Woods
MaryLou@Buttercream Cottage
Peg@Middle Aged Ramblings
Cynthia @ Museswings
Marja@Dutch Corner
Douglas @Florian Cafe
Rachel @ More About the Song
Ken @ Ken Armstrong’s Writing Stuff
Jen@ JenX67
DK@ Impassioned Versifier
Linda@Linda and her Twaddle
Squirrelmama@Grey and Red a Squirrel Journal
Sandy @Ibeati
Jane Doe@Jane’s Writing
Deb@Notes From the Cloud Messenger & Papa Do Run
Dave King@ Pics and Poems
Shazza@ Random Thoughts and Acts of Stupidity
Raph G. Neckmann @Raph’s Ramblings
Roligan Red @Roligan Red’s (Denmark Soccer Blog)
Sandy@Sandy’s Main Blog
Hope@The Road Less Travelled
Carol@The Writer’s Porch
Nanatrish@ Nana’s Living the Dream
Petra Michelle @ Whose Role is it Anyway? & Petra Michelle’s Poetry
Matt @ My Side of the Story
Becky @ Living the Life With the Wife of Riley
Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti
Colleen@Loose Leaf Notes
Le@Third on the Right
Pamela (and Edward)@From the House of Edward
Lydia@Lydia’s Organic Garden
Lavinia@Birdbath Chronicles
PV@ Finding Me
Anna Lefler@Life Just Keeps Getting Weirder
Vy@ Shades of Vyolet
Clare @ My Life in a Picture
Coach @AVT Coach
Debra @ Four Angels Momma
Fenny @Fenny’s Bla bla blog
Kalianne@ Bygone Beauty
His Child @ Anyway the thing is…
Sharon@ Live Out Loud
The Dood@ Baba Doodlius (m.i.a.)

If I’ve missed anyone (or forgotten to give someone credit for the gift of an award) please forgive me. I have that middle aged brain thing going on…blame it on the hormones!

Please take this Friends award and pass it along. Some of you probably already have it, so don’t worry about crediting me – just take it to heart, that’s enough.

Here are the sentiments intended by the originators of this award, along with the rules should you choose to give it to others:

“The Friends Award isn’t about being the most popular blogger or having the most read blog. It is just because you are a friend.” Here is the cleverly written text of the award: “These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

Love to all,


Phew! Time for a nap, I think.

In case you missed it, please check out the poem below this post. Thank you!

29 thoughts on “~ Not what we give, but what we share…

  1. Kat, thank you so much! Award season must be upon us! 🙂 You're the best– in darkness and in light. I'm so glad to have met you, out here in the great, wide cyber-world.


  2. Thank you for those lovely comments about me and the award. You are very kind.I am definitely living up to my procrastination tag, I've put off doing my tax return until the last minute almost. I've got 8 days left before I am fined!


  3. Rachel – what was that line in “Ghost”? (Not a big fan of the flick, but…)”ditto”.I know! That is adorable, isn't it? I found it at a blog called “Interspecies Friends” can you believe it? (I have literally spent hours today looking for an appropriate picture.)Winifred – Oh, you definitely deserve the awards and the words. I'll challenge you to a procrastination-off, okay? (Whenever we can get around to it, right?)Kat


  4. I'm blushing, Kat. What a very nice award from a good friend. I'll post it with pride! Thank you so very much. By the way, I laughed so hard when I read your comments about “My Last 4 Books.” I never even considered someone might think I wrote them! LOL That's great! 🙂


  5. It's nearly 12:00 midnight and wanted to say hello to all and there I see my name. What's this, I ask myself? Thank you, Kat. I am truly touched. The feeling is mutual! I've attempted to create an award, but fell short. So, I truly appreciate the love that goes into them.Thank you again, Kat. Petra :))Hopefully, your shoulder is getting stronger every day!


  6. Thank you Kat for calling me a friend- I feel like we are certainoly through verse- spirituality and humor.You reside in one of my favorite places and I always think of you there embracing it all..How is your mother??Sandy


  7. Hello Kat, Thank you so much for calling me a friend! I am so happy for all the friends that I've met since I've started bloging in 2007.I love your blog as I do many others. At times it gets hard for me to visit blogs regularly, I get so busy with my kids and all. I do try to get to everyone's blog at least once a week if I can. Hopefully, once my son starts school it will be more than that.Thank you again!Have a very nice weekend and stay warm!Lydia


  8. Thank you so much Kat! I am honored to be your friend. I will enjoy looking at all the wonderful blogs your recommend this weekend.Life has been so hectic for me lately and I'm hoping to have more quiet time soon to catch up.Have a peaceful weekend my friend!Hugs, Pat


  9. Kat,I thought I thanked you, but my comment didn't show. (Perhaps I mistyped the scrambly word). Thanks again for my award. You are too kind! BTW are there any rules attached to this one?


  10. Good point, Neetzy! I believe you are just meant to pass it on, link to the one who gave it to you and that's it.I think I read your thank you. Maybe I accidentally deleted it in my e-mail before it got published. Sorry about that.Kat


  11. Baie dankie, eerbare digteres! That means: Thank you, honoured poetess! I am most delighted to be considered a Superior Scribbler. Wow, giving out awards is exhausting so you deserve your nap. I have been snowed under at WORK but just had time for a nice visit with you. Loved your interview (Willow has also sent me her questions but haven't managed it yet). Your husband looks great and the two of you just fit… Please let me know when your anthology is published. I would really like to acquire one – good old Amazon.com! Have a happy day further. It is quite late here and I am just about to call it a day. Lots of love Eleanor


  12. Eleanor – Glad you found your award. You deserve it, believe me!(I'll keep you in mind when the first copies roll off the press – way off yet.)Willow – No, thank you, and Thank YOU! (Think the two chipmunks in the early cartoon, before Chip and Dale).Kat


  13. I feel the blogosphere brings out the very best in all of us.We are kind, caring, grateful and a whole lot more.I am learning to be that way in the “real world” as well.It is a lot more difficult but very rewarding.I feel very privileged Kat to have met you here and to be your friend.HugsPeggy


  14. Neetzy – I have trouble remembering where I've left comments and sometimes can't get back to read the responses! I need to keep a list as I go (*will never happen*) just to keep track.Squirrelmama – I know! Isn't it? It took me ages to find one I like for the post.Peg – I feel privileged as well and you're right – it is a whole lot harder in the real world (because you can see the expressions on peoples faces, I think).


  15. Oh I can't wait to read some of those blogs! I hope your shoulder heals soon! Oh I almost forgot! See if you can find your likeness on my sidebar. :)Are you not doing SITS anymore? Just curious.


  16. Just wanted to thank you for posting your award. I'm thinking a few folks won't but that's okay because I just wanted to recognize them.And thank you so much for your kind words. They mean the world to me coming from you.You garner many awards.Not hard to see why.You're a schweetheart.Thanks, Kat.~m


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