Haiku 4 U

ear painting

Artwork by Jim Shaw. Click picture for source.


Van Gogh’s famous work:

Self-mutilated Vincent,

Was early Gaugin.

Prostitute, Rachel

Kept both souvenir, pinna

And her lips, locked up.

Vincent tossed the sword

Into River Rhone, nearby–

Jury is still out .

Kathleen Mortensen©2009

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30 thoughts on “Haiku 4 U

  1. Nicely done– the three cohere, but without connecting all the dots, which is as it should be. You may know this, but it's common practice to construct Haiku sequences (called Tanka chains– which unfortunately always calls “Tonka trucks to my mind). The tanks chains can include a number of haiku all built around a theme or image (which in haiku are basically inseparable.


  2. Very powerful–sensational writing and presentation! Thanks so much for joining this great event. Very good to meet you and find you wonderful, creative space here. :o)


  3. I am finding it hard to corelate the image with the words. But, yes I did spot the ear-reference. I need to think more to get this. Nevertheless, the writing is well done!!!


  4. Oh fabulous! I read about Van Gogh's ear recently. Made me realize – once again – that history is essentially stories made up by historians which might be why it's an ever shifting narrative. Fantastic haiku!


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