
You were, long ago,
in brain fluid,
to float
with your counterparts.
Now and then,
you surface, unbidden
when I immerse my hands
in water.

At such times, I wonder:
do you ever call me to mind,
as you lie, immobilized
in someone else’s water-bed?

You never said, those “three words”;
now, all your Ess Oh Esses
are engulfed
in my swelled head.

Kat Mortensen©2012

Magpie Tale #114 – Displacement


You were, long ago,
in brain fluid,
to float
with your counterparts;
now and then,
you surface, unbidden
when I immerse my hands
in water.

At such times, I wonder:
do you ever call me to mind,
as you lie, immobilized
in someone else’s water-bed?

You never said, those “three words”;
now, all your Ess Oh Esses
are engulfed
in my swelled head.

Kat Mortensen©2012 Protected by Copyscape DMCA Takedown Notice Checker

Alex Stoddard image

The above poem is the indirect result of this image which just happened to coincide with some idle thoughts I was having about an old relationship. You can find other results at The Mag #114. (Just click the link.)